Best Practices

The College organises its welfare activities and community service initiatives under Maitreya and Aksharasree, which it has identified as its forums for Best Practices. The term Maitreya signifies compassion towards fellow beings and environment. Maitreya encompasses six laudable programmes namely: Sahayahastam, Snehapoorvam Sahapadikku and Snehasparsam each of which promotes Human Values and Professional Ethics ; and Susthiram, Samrakshanam and Samarasam promoting environmental consciousness through initiatives ensuring a respectful co-existence with nature. Our Best Practice Aksharasree, has been conceived to include all programmes that are conducted within and outside the College to promote literacy. Aksharasree makes available the knowledge resources of the campus to the community inside and outside the campus. It includes the enrichment programmes for the students under the head Akamporul and enrichment programmes for the community under the head Puramporul.

Best Practice – I


Best Practice- II