Women Cell

Women cell of St.Peter’s College act as catalyst for promoting inclusive development of women/girls of this college through various interactive sessions, workshops, awareness classes, Training classes, Field works etc. The cell is aimed for streamlining the talents  and abilities of women for making them better personalities which will enable them to carry greater responsibilities in their future life.  Women Cell of St.Peter’s College is funded by Kera State Women Development Corporation ( KSWDC) of Govt of Kerala.  A myriad of activities accomplished by women cell are categorized under Training Wing, Cultural Wing and Community intervention wing. Every year Women publishes a handwritten magazine which portrays the creative skills and talents of  women of this college. KSWDC provides scholarship to single women student of our college with exceptional curricular and extracurricular records and with an annual income below 1 lakh.

Objectives of Women Cell

  • To create an environment which promotes gender equity and self-reliance
  • To conduct Interactive sessions and seminars on academics and performance success program topics
  • To organize community intervention activities or social engagement program topics
  • To conduct gender awareness classes /welfare programmes for women
  • To organize self défense / wellness training programmes
  • To conduct cultural programmes like theme dance competition, street play, flash mob etc

Administrative Set-up

Dr.Soniya James, Assosiate Professor
Department of English

Dr. Anumol , Assistant  Professor
Department of Commerce