Intellectual Property (IP) Cell

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell is focused to recognize the importance of intellectual property by its teachers and students. The Cell encourages the creativity and innovations of its people which leads to the generation of Intellectual Property (IP). The Cell is committed to supporting and guiding the students and staff in protecting their innovative and creative ideas. The IP reasoning encourages innovation without fear of a competitor, who may steal the idea or take the credit for it. Therefore, the Cell conducts seminars and workshops to advise and guides the students and faculty on the importance of IP and encourages the faculty members to carry out patent searches in-house.

Objectives of IP Cell

  • To create an awareness about IPR for faculties and students of the University
  • To conduct workshops, seminars and training course on IPR
  • To disseminate knowledge on patents, patent regime in India and abroad and registration aspects
  • To impart training on future endeavors regarding patent filing processes
  • To encourage faculty members and scholars to go for patentable works


  • IP Cell, St. Mary’s College, Wayanadu (Five years)
  • CUSAT IPR Centre (Ongoing)
  • Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Intellectual property Rights and Geographical Indication. 
  • Comprehensive Copy Right Law and Intellectual Property Rights.
  • In association with National Service Scheme (NSS), IP Cell started to setup digital data base
  • Introduction to Intellectual property
  • Geographical indication and GI Tag
  • Role of patents in the development of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Patent, Copyright, trade mark, trade secrets

Administrative Set-up


Dr. Basil B Mathew
Assistant Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Political Science
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Teena Thomas
Department of Chemistry
[email protected]

Ms. Ligi Lambert D Rosario
Department of Biotechnology
[email protected]

IP Cell Activities