PIONERO- The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of St. Peter’s College had organized an orientation class on 25 January from 4 pm to 5pm for Arts and Commerce students. The session was inaugurated by Dr. Shaju Varghese, Principal. An introduction to IEDC and an idea sharing of “Touch free water purifier” was given by Adithya Raju, Chief Creative Officer. Reshmi Rajeev, Chief Technical Officer, and Anjana Krishnan, Internal Innovator, took an innovative class for the students by sharing their ideas on Torrefaction of biomass, a substitute for charcoal. Abhimanyu and Soundarya Lakshmi, internal innovators, discussed about their ideas on how to start up one’s own talent- filled business by explaining about their online crafts store SOUBHIM CREATIONS. Aswin Abraham James, Chief Financial Officer, and Jacob Prince, Chief Community Officer, inspired students with their ideas on wick irrigation.

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